Stay informed about the municipality's current COVID-19 management protocols and notices.


Private Medical Doctors

Aesthetic Medical Practice – Dr Krystyna Pharoah
54 Berg Street | 079 538 9929

General Practitioner – Dr JC Badenhorst
140c Voortrek Street | 028 514 1900

General Practitioner – Dr JA Boshoff
134 Voortrek Street | 028 514 1173

General Practitioner – Dr C Glatz
134 Voortrek Street | 028 514 1173

General Practitioner – Dr S van Blerk
140 Voortrek Street | 028 514 1900

General Practitioner – Dr L van Schalkwyk
24 Kerk Street | 067 418 7781

General Practitioner – Dr Van Zyl and Partners
134 Voortrek Street | 028 514 1173

Hospitals and Clinics

Swellendam Provincial Hospital
028 514 1141
Barrydale Clinic
22 Tinley Street, Barrydale | 028 572 1459

Buffeljagsrivier Clinic
C/o Olivedale & Stout Avenue, Buffeljagsrivier | 028 512 3453

Railton Clinic – Community Health Centre
Reisiebaan Street | 028 514 2995

Suubraak Public Clinic
Helm Crescent, Suurbraak | 028 522 1640

Swellendam Hospital Clinic
18 Drostdy Street | 028 514 1142


Clicks Pharmacy Shop
No 1 SwellenMark Mall | 028 514 3492

Swellendam Pharmacy
45 Voortrek Street | 028 514 1430

Swellendam Protea Pharmacy
140 Voortrek Street | 028 514 2020



Dr FH Bouwer & Dr LW Winterbach
Voortrek Street, Swellendam | 028 514 2600

Dr J Swart
7 Berg Street, Swellendam | 028 514 3345


Pathcare Swellendam
134 Voortrek Street | 028 514 1775


Spec-Savers Swellendam
Protea Building, 87 Voortrek Street | 028 514 1296

Janeke Bierman
SwellenMark Mall, 34 Voortrek Street, Swellendam | 028 514 2726


Liezel Franklin
134 Voortrek Street | 028 514 2728


Fire Brigade

028 425 1690



Swellendam Hospital

028 514 1140

Social Services


Montagu & Surrounds

Gerrie Heyns: 063 556 6338


Geoff Burgess: 072 441 9076

Should Gerrie or Geoff not be available, contact
Amy Mocke in Swellendam on 084 581 3526.

Please note that Swellendam Municipality makes use of the Overberg District Municipality Fire and Disaster Management Services. For any Fire Emergencies, please call the 24h Fire Control room number: 028 425 1690

The Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association also supports the Overberg District Municipality Fire and Disaster Management Services.
Visit the association’s website for various How To’s such as:


The Overberg District Municipality Fire and Disaster Management Services also assists with water crises and disaster management. For any drownings or flooding, please call the 24h Control room number: 028 425 1690


To keep your children safe in and near the water, follow these guidelines:

  • Always make sure that your child is being supervised by a responsible adult while swimming or playing with or around water.
  • Teach your kids to swim. Enroll children in age-appropriate swim lessons to help protect them from drowning.
  • Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and rescue techniques. Your CPR skills could save someone’s life.
  • Medical conditions such as epilepsy increase your risk of drowning. If you or your child has epilepsy or experiences seizures make sure that they’re always being supervised.
  • Always be prepared and know what to do in case of an emergency. Save all emergency numbers on your cellphone or keep it nearby for easy access.


Although drowning can be fatal, your child can survive if they get help immediately. Knowing how to administer CPR to a child or infant who is drowning could mean the difference between life and death. If the child’s heart has stopped for 8 to 10 minutes, the chance of survival is slim.

Don’t risk your own life and safety when trying to rescue the child. Rather use a flotation device like a life jacket or noodle. Once the child is safely out the water you can begin to administer CPR.

This involves a combination of chest compressions known as hands-only CPR. The following CPR procedure is for children between the age of 12 months and 8 years old:

Chest compressions:
Lay the child down on a flat, firm surface. Place the heel of your hand over the lower third area of their breastbone and give the child 30 quick chest compressions. Press hard enough so that the chest moves down 5 centimetres. This will help get the blood flowing to the vital organs and the brain.

Push hard, push fast:
For children: Place the heel of one hand on the centre of the chest, then place the heel of the other hand on top of the first hand, and lace your fingers together. Deliver 30 quick compressions that are each about 4cm deep. For infants: Use 2 fingers to deliver 30 quick compressions that are each about 4cm deep.

Keep going:
Repeat the 30 compressions till the child is able to breathe or the ambulance arrives.

Source of info:


  • Swim only where there are lifeguards on duty and where signs indicate that it's safe to swim.
  • Make sure that lifeguards can see you when you're in the water.
  • Don't swim when lifeguards are off duty.
  • At the beach, always swim between the red and yellow flags. These indicate safe and supervised swimming areas. Areas outside these flags might conceal dangerous currents and tides. Only swim in areas where other people are present.
  • Surfers and body-boarders shouldn’t surf in areas where bait and game fish are running, where seals are present, or seabirds are diving.
  • If you find yourself in trouble, raise your arm to attract the lifeguards' attention and don’t panic.
  • If you see someone in trouble in the sea, alert the lifeguards or find help. Don't put your own life in danger as well.
  • Don't swim or drive motor boats while under the influence of alcohol. It dulls the senses, slows reaction times and can cause irresponsible behaviour. Alcohol isn’t allowed on Western Cape beaches. If you’re found with alcohol, you will be fined, and your alcohol confiscated.
  • Know how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or how to blow air into another person's lungs until help arrives.
  • Don't dive from tidal pool walls, as this has been known to result in spinal injuries.
  • Swim only at low tide when no waves are breaking over the walls. The pools provide a safer option to swim in than the ocean, as the currents are kept at bay.
  • Don’t take out small or unstable boats far from shore in choppy water or stormy weather.
  • Ensure that you protect your skin from too much exposure to the sun. Too much sun can cause sunstroke/heat stroke. Keep hydrated by drinking lots of fluids, excluding alcoholic drinks.
  • Stay indoors during the hottest time of the day (11am to 3pm), and make use of sunscreen, hats and other attire.

Source of info:

It's important to remember that snakes will avoid contact with humans at all costs and only attack people if they feel threatened.

Stick to well trodden paths and be observant. If you see a snake, wait for it to move out of the path and avoid getting close to inspect it, especially if you aren't familiar with types of snakes. Deliberately getting close to a snake puts you and those around you at risk.

If you find a snake on your property, we suggest that you contact the following snake handlers:
Montagu, Barrydale and surrounds:
Gerrie Heyns: 063 556 6338
Swellendam and Buffeljagsrivier:
Geoff Burgess: 072 441 9076
SPCA, Amy Mocke: 084 581 3526

Alternatively you can also contact CapeNature, and they’ll put you in contact with a snake handler. You can also download the free African Snakebite Institute app, which lists over 700 snake removers throughout South Africa and includes advice on first aid for a snakebite.


There are 41 different types of snakes in the Western Cape. 18 Species are not venomous while 8 can inflict painful bites. 6 Species are considered potentially deadly. Snakes play an important role in our ecosystem by controlling rodents and other pests. It's important to remember that snakes are shy animals and tend to avoid people. They only strike people when threatened or when hurt.

The 6 venomous snakes found in the Western Cape are the Cape Cobra, Puff Adder, Berg Adder, Boomslang, Rinkhals, and Black Spitting Cobra.

Venomous snakes are dangerous and you need to be on the lookout for them, especially when hiking. Before visiting a recreational area, or going on a hiking trip, you should:

  • find out if the area that you will be visiting has a medical facility nearby;
  • wear leather hiking boots; and
  • wear long pants.

In the event of a snakebite, get a good description of the snake and take a photograph if possible. While it's not essential to identify a snake after a snakebite, such information could be of use to medical doctors. Seek medical help immediately. If you're alone, keep calm and seek help or phone for help. Don't walk too fast or run as this may speed up the distribution of venom in your body.

Source of info:


For any noise complaints, nuisances with animals, pets or other, please contact Swellendam Municipal Law Enforcement via 079 501 3339.