Refuse & Waste

Residents are cautioned that it is a contravention of the Integrated Waste Management By-law to place refuse on their pavements on days other than the scheduled refuse collection days.

Fines will be issued to offenders.

For the safety of our waste collection staff, residents are kindly requested to (as far as practically possible) package or wrap any glass items to be disposed of before placing them in the waste bin or black bag. Wherever possible glass items should rather be recycled or disposed of at the public drop-offs and transfer stations.
Refuse Management

Solid Waste Collection Schedule


Monday: Swellendam town area, industrial area businesses

Tuesday: Stormsvlei; Infanta/Malgas; Swellendam town

Wednesday: Railton (Old block, Rondomskrik and Theunissen
Street up until the Thusong centre)

Thursday: Smartitown, 7 De Laan, White City, Informal settlement

Friday: Swellendam town and businesses


Monday: Sports complex,
Buffeljagsrivier Schools, Municipal
offices/library, Clinic, Buffeljags businesses


Monday: Suurbraak highway-Akker Avenue (all houses), Municipal office/library, Suurbraak Clinic, Churches, Information centre, Suurbraak schools


Thursday: All households, Smutsville businesses, Barrydale centre area businesses and
restaurants, Industrial area, Barrydale Schools and Churches

Current Projects

  • Special illegal dumping team for Railton and the broader Swellendam area.
    They will consist of two supervisors and ten workers. They will be tasked to deal with and limit illegal dumping.

illegal dumping

The management and reaction to illegal dumping is dealt with through the Solid Waste Department.

  • Please click here to report any evidence of illegal dumping. Please include the location, a picture, basic details as well as your contact details.
  • Alternatively, please contact 028 514 8500 to report any illegal dumping via the Waste Management Department.
  • For the successful reporting, identification and prosecution of perpetrators a fine of R5000 will be issued and a reward of R2000 will be offered.
Landfill Sites

opening hours & restrictions


  • Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 - 16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00
  • Allowed: Building rubble, domestic waste; and garden refuse.
  • No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres, asbestos, batteries,
    medical waste; instant combustion material; industrial effluent and
    any product that contains steel, copper, aluminium or mercury.
  • Garden refuse and building rubble will not be allowed on the main
    waste body.


  • Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 - 16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00
  • Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
  • General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
  • No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres, asbestos, batteries,
    medical waste; instant combustion material; industrial effluent and
    any product that contains steel, copper, aluminium or mercury.


  • Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 -
    16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00
  • Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
  • General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
  • No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres,
    asbestos, batteries, medical waste; instant
    combustion material; industrial effluent and any
    product that contains steel, copper, aluminium
    or mercury.


  • Opening times: Mondays, Wednesdays and
    Fridays 10:00 - 12:00
  • Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
  • General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
  • No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres,
    asbestos, batteries, medical waste; instant
    combustion material; industrial effluent and any
    product that contains steel, copper, aluminium
    or mercury.


  • Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 -
    16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00
  • Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
  • General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
  • No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres,
    asbestos, batteries, medical waste; instant
    combustion material; industrial effluent and any
    product that contains steel, copper, aluminium
    or mercury.
refuse & waste management info
  • The Skips are ONLY for garden refuse.
When the Skips are full
  • Keep refuse on your premises until collection day.
  • No black bags and other household items must be put in containers or open spaces.
Distribution of black bags
  • Black bags are distributed by the waste management department once every quarter (3 months) of 25 bags each household.
Street Sweeping
  • Street sweeping is scheduled daily throughout the town.
Public Toilet Cleaning
  • All public toilets are cleaned weekdays inside and outside.
Recycling & Sustainability

RETHINK your choices
REDUCE consumption
REFURBISH old stuff
REPURPOSE: be creative, reinvent

REFUSE single use
REUSE everything
REPAIR before you replace
RECYCLE: the last option

Recycling & Sustainability info

Items that can be recycled

The following can be recycled

  • Glass (all sorts)
  • (cleaned) tins
  • paper (newspaper, office paper, magazines etc.)
  • cartons (including milk boxes)
  • plastic (all sorts)
  • PVC hose (black farmer's type)
Swellendam recycling
  • Glass (all sorts), (cleaned) tins, paper (newspaper, office paper, magazines etc.), cartons (including milk boxes), plastic (all sorts), PVC hose (black farmer's type); 1 Production Street
    Marietha Windvogel: 076 669 2247
  • Scrap metals, cans, Electrical and electronic waste, Paper (only white paper); 3191 Production Street, Industrial Area
    Leon Meyer: 076 264 3098
  • Electronic waste
    SWDTech; Shop no.13
    Buirski Plein, Jansen Street
    Chris Bruce: 028 514 2483
Infanta recycling station
  • Tins, metal, cans, cardboards and aluminium.
  • Arts & craft
  • Plastic bottles and plastic bottle caps, milk cartons, carrier bags, irrigation pipes, casing of electrical table fans.
    Wendy Erasmus: 072 133 3504
Builders rubble
  • Can be disposed at all waste management facilities: Bontebok, Infanta, Malgas, Barrydale and Suurbraak landfill site
Organic waste
  • Compost will be collected on the sideways with general waste on refuse removal days. Please ensure organic waste is in a green bag.
  • We have a new organic management plan still in planning stages, this will consist of a municipal composting system.
  • Composting is an essential part of our waste diversion plan as more than 50% of all waste is organic. We request that residence start a home composting or worm bin system.
Batteries (motor vehicles)
  • Heins Auto Electrical, Cooper Street – Hein de Jager: 082 775 1958
    Swellendam Auto Electrical, Russel Street – Danie Tipps: 028 514 3470
Old tyres
Old furniture
Household items & clothing
  • SPCA shop
  • Hospice shop
  • Ou lap smous Ons Winkel - 54 Voortrekker Street
Egg boxes, plastic shopping bags, clean glass jars
  • Shantal Starck, The Earth Centre at 26 Swellengrebel Street, Museum building - 079 614 5727