Refuse & Waste
Residents are cautioned that it is a contravention of the Integrated Waste Management By-law to place refuse on their pavements on days other than the scheduled refuse collection days.
Fines will be issued to offenders.
Refuse Management
Solid Waste Collection Schedule
Monday: Swellendam town area, industrial area businesses
Tuesday: Stormsvlei; Infanta/Malgas; Swellendam town
Wednesday: Railton (Old block, Rondomskrik and Theunissen
Street up until the Thusong centre)
Thursday: Smartitown, 7 De Laan, White City, Informal settlement
Friday: Swellendam town and businesses
Monday: Sports complex,
Buffeljagsrivier Schools, Municipal
offices/library, Clinic, Buffeljags businesses
Monday: Suurbraak highway-Akker Avenue (all houses), Municipal office/library, Suurbraak Clinic, Churches, Information centre, Suurbraak schools
Thursday: All households, Smutsville businesses, Barrydale centre area businesses and
restaurants, Industrial area, Barrydale Schools and Churches
Current Projects
- Special illegal dumping team for Railton and the broader Swellendam area.
They will consist of two supervisors and ten workers. They will be tasked to deal with and limit illegal dumping.

illegal dumping
The management and reaction to illegal dumping is dealt with through the Solid Waste Department.
- Please click here to report any evidence of illegal dumping. Please include the location, a picture, basic details as well as your contact details.
- Alternatively, please contact 028 514 8500 to report any illegal dumping via the Waste Management Department.
- For the successful reporting, identification and prosecution of perpetrators a fine of R5000 will be issued and a reward of R2000 will be offered.
Landfill Sites
opening hours & restrictions
- Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 - 16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00
- Allowed: Building rubble, domestic waste; and garden refuse.
- No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres, asbestos, batteries,
medical waste; instant combustion material; industrial effluent and
any product that contains steel, copper, aluminium or mercury. - Garden refuse and building rubble will not be allowed on the main
waste body.
- Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 - 16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00
- Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
- General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
- No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres, asbestos, batteries,
medical waste; instant combustion material; industrial effluent and
any product that contains steel, copper, aluminium or mercury.
- Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 -
16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00 - Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
- General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
- No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres,
asbestos, batteries, medical waste; instant
combustion material; industrial effluent and any
product that contains steel, copper, aluminium
or mercury.
- Opening times: Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays 10:00 - 12:00 - Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
- General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
- No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres,
asbestos, batteries, medical waste; instant
combustion material; industrial effluent and any
product that contains steel, copper, aluminium
or mercury.
- Opening times: Mondays to Fridays 07:30 -
16:30, Saturdays 08:00 - 12:00 - Allowed: Building rubble and garden refuse.
- General waste gets picked up for Bontebok site.
- No dumping of: Hazardous material; tyres,
asbestos, batteries, medical waste; instant
combustion material; industrial effluent and any
product that contains steel, copper, aluminium
or mercury.