Town Planning and Building Control
This Division deals with Spatial Planning, Land Use Management and Building Control within the administrative area.
town planning
Town Planning in the local government sphere comprises two key components. A pro-active / strategic spatial planning component, to guide and direct future growth and development; and a statutory control / regulatory component, to maintain and manage land use rights, and to ensure that the right things are built in the right place. The two components are guided by a comprehensive legislative framework drawn up at a national, provincial and local level, contingent on the nature of the outcome to be achieved.
Building Control deals primarily with the receipt, consideration and approval of building plans, but also includes the inspection of approved building operations and the issuing of occupation certificates. Building Control also responds to illegal building operations and the transgression of related legislative requirements.
- Provision of Land use advice and information, in relation to the applicable legislation;
- Processing of Land use planning applications and issuing of various approvals and permissions;
- Issuing of zoning certificates for individual properties;
- Issuing of building plan approvals and permits, also for minor building work;
- Issuing of permits for temporary structures, demolition and hoarding, as part of building operations;
- Building inspections and issuing of occupancy certificates for work completed;
- Enforcement of building and Land use regulations and standards;
- Investigation and resolution of complaints and contraventions regarding illegal building work and Land use;
- Provision of copies of approved building plans and zoning plans.
Town Planner: Wilhelm Schutte
Town Planning / GIS Technician: Clinton Uys
Building Control Officer: Zukiswa Kwatshana
Building Inspector: Pascal van Woezik
Monitoring and Compliance
Compliance Officer: Vacant
Administrative Support
Administrator: Miné Swart
town planning
Key National and Provincial Legislation

Use Management Act

Use Planning Act

Management Act
Key Municipal Policy and Legislation

Framework (2020)

By-law (2020)

Land-use Planning (2020)

Zoning Viewer

Land Use

building control
Key National and Provincial Legislation

and Standard Act

Resources Act
Key Municipal Policy and Legislation

Advertising and Signage

Requirements & Processes



Building Plan Approval


Application Forms

Building Works

Building Lines Encroachments


/Completion Certificate

Indemnity Form

Near Water Courses

Commence Demolition of a Building

Erection of Advertising
and Directional Signage

of Posters and/or Banners

Legislation, Policies and Guidelines
Practitioner Legislation and Registration

Municipal Policies

*Refer to the Zoning By-law for applicable rules and guidelines

Conservancy Tanks
*Refer to the Water Sanitation by-law for guidelines on obtaining and maintenance of tanks
Online Collaborator building plan portal
What is the Collaborator Building Plan Portal? Registering with and using Collab Building Plan Portal Architects can register on the Collab portal by visiting the Collab webpage. How the System Operates Benefits of using the systems There are many advantages when using the Collab system, which include the following: Technical Support For technical support, please contact or
Portal Guidelines
For more information about the Collaborator Building Plan Portal, please see videos on How to Register, and How to Submit a Building Plan.
Registering a Partner
Workflow Process