Town Planning and Building Control

This Division deals with Spatial Planning, Land Use Management and Building Control within the administrative area.

town planning

Town Planning in the local government sphere comprises two key components. A pro-active / strategic spatial planning component, to guide and direct future growth and development; and a statutory control / regulatory component, to maintain and manage land use rights, and to ensure that the right things are built in the right place. The two components are guided by a comprehensive legislative framework drawn up at a national, provincial and local level, contingent on the nature of the outcome to be achieved.

building control

Building Control deals primarily with the receipt, consideration and approval of building plans, but also includes the inspection of approved building operations and the issuing of occupation certificates. Building Control also responds to illegal building operations and the transgression of related legislative requirements.

core services we offer
  • Provision of Land use advice and information, in relation to the applicable legislation;
  • Processing of Land use planning applications and issuing of various approvals and permissions;
  • Issuing of zoning certificates for individual properties;
  • Issuing of building plan approvals and permits, also for minor building work;
  • Issuing of permits for temporary structures, demolition and hoarding, as part of building operations;
  • Building inspections and issuing of occupancy certificates for work completed;
  • Enforcement of building and Land use regulations and standards;
  • Investigation and resolution of complaints and contraventions regarding illegal building work and Land use;
  • Provision of copies of approved building plans and zoning plans.
This division comprises of the following personnel
Manager: Ron Brunings
Town Planning
Town Planner: Wilhelm Schutte
Town Planning / GIS Technician: Clinton Uys
Building Control
Building Control Officer: Zukiswa Kwatshana
Building Inspector: Pascal van Woezik

Monitoring and Compliance
Compliance Officer: Vacant

Administrative Support
Administrator: Miné Swart

Processing of Land use planning applications and issuing of various approvals and permissions notices
town planning

Key National and Provincial Legislation

Key Municipal Policy and Legislation

Online Cadastral and
Zoning Viewer


Application for Municipal
Land Use


Signage Tariffs
building control

Key National and Provincial Legislation

Key Municipal Policy and Legislation

Municipal By-law on Outdoor
Advertising and Signage
Wendy Houses

Requirements & Processes

Suspension of Building
Temporary Structures

Application Forms

Please consult the tariff list for the fee for specific application.
Building, Construction and Demolition:


Legislation, Policies and Guidelines

Practitioner Legislation and Registration

Municipal Policies

*Boundary Walls and Fences
*Tall Buildings
Temporary Structures

*Refer to the Zoning By-law for applicable rules and guidelines

*Septic Tanks and
Conservancy Tanks

*Refer to the Water Sanitation by-law for guidelines on obtaining and maintenance of tanks

Online Collaborator building plan portal

What is the difference between zoning and land use?
All properties within the Swellendam Municipality are allocated a zoning and the zoning is controlled by the Swellendam Zoning Scheme By-law, 2020. A particular zoning provides for certain land uses which may be permitted on a given property, together with development parameters for the zone. If an owner of the property wants to change the use, an application must be made for rezoning (if applicable).

What does Consent Use mean?

As each property has an allotted zoning, which is the primary land use right of the property, there are certain land uses that can be allocated to the property per application and that are permanent in nature. These land uses (secondary land uses) are called Consent Uses.
What is a Departure?
The Zoning Scheme provides for development parameters for each zoning. In certain cases, it may be necessary to deviate from the standard parameters, and in this case a departure is applied for. Departures may be temporary in nature or permanent in other cases. Permanent departures include building lines, coverage, height, etc. Temporary departures generally deal with temporary land uses such as using a dwelling house for a different purpose.
What Does the Removal of Restrictive Title Conditions Mean?

Some Title Deeds contain conditions which limit or contradict a proposed use or development of a property. In such a case, the owner must also apply for the removal of the restriction, before he can proceed with the proposed use or development.

What does Subdivision Mean?
Subdivision is the division of a property into two or more parts. Thereafter, the subdivision is registered with the Surveyor General (SG). After registration with the SG, the new properties can be registered at the Deeds Office and the new properties each acquire their own Title Deed.
What is a Conveyancer's certificate?
Some land use applications need to be accompanied by a conveyancer's certificate (a certificate completed by an attorney after he or she has determined whether a property is subject to any title deed restrictions).